Legal Notice
Website name:
Responsible for publication: Michael Bouma
Website designed by Guillaume Massardier from Goopil web agency (Gers, France)
Hosting of the website: 40, Port of Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel
Legal status:
Simplified joint stock company
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APE 2562B /Industriel mechanic
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200 Rue Fourny, 78530 Buc
Such. 01 39 20 12 12
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Use of this site implies full acceptance of the general conditions of use described below. These conditions of use may be modified or supplemented at any time.
The information and documents on the site are presented for information only, without being exhaustive, and cannot engage the responsibility of the owner of the site.
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Any unauthorized use of the site or any of the elements it contains is considered to constitute an infringement and liable to prosecution. The trademarks and logos reproduced on the site are registered by the companies that own them.
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Any user has a right of access, rectification and opposition to personal data concerning him, by making his written and signed request, accompanied by proof of identity.
All rights reserved @2022